Can you Make Espresso with a Regular Coffee Maker?

If you’re a true coffee enthusiast, you undoubtedly have a tried-and-true blend or roast that you prefer regardless of how you prepare your cup. However, others may need help determining which kind of coffee beans can be used to make espressos due to the abundance of methods used to classify them. The store sells bags of beans labeled “espresso,” but can you make Espresso with a regular coffee maker?

The quick answer is “yes”!

Read this article for more information about espresso beans versus ordinary coffee beans, what makes for excellent espresso, and a guide to preparing the espresso with regular coffee.

If you want to buy best espresso machine under 1500 then read this article.

What Is An Espresso?

Before we get into the details of the question: “Can regular coffee be used in an espresso machine?” First, let’s talk about what an espresso is.

Espresso was first made in Italy when Angelo Moriondo of Turin, Italy, got a patent for the first espresso machine in 1884. It is a shot of coffee that is about 1 ounce (30 ml) and is made by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee beans under high pressure. This way of making coffee usually takes about 30 seconds, and the machine needs to have 9 bars of pressure for it to be called an espresso.

Even though a Moka pot makes coffee that tastes a lot like espresso, it is not technically an espresso because it only makes about 1 bar of pressure.

Regular Coffee Vs Espresso Coffee Beans:

Since some coffees are called “espresso” and others are just called “coffee,” it’s easy to think that they are made from different beans. It’s the other way around. Even though espresso and regular coffee are not the same, they can come from the same beans. The difference is in how they are roasted.

Each type of bean is best for a certain way of making coffee because of how it was roasted, which makes the taste different. Also, if you buy pre-ground beans, regular coffee beans will have a coarser grind than espresso beans, which also affects the taste.

Let’s look more closely at these two things:

The Roast:

Most of the time, espresso beans are roasted dark, past the second crack. This makes the wine less acidic and gives it more body, a deeper flavor, and a heavier mouthfeel. The dark roast helps your shot be smooth and have a good balance of body, acidity, and sweetness. There are a lot of oils on the surface of dark beans, which help to make crema on top of espressos, which makes the coffee taste better.

Regular coffee, on the other hand, can be roasted light, medium, or dark, depending on what it is. Light roasts don’t make the beans’ surface oily, so they’re better for slow, manual brewing. 

They are brighter and more acidic, and they have a more complex taste. Medium-roasted beans are a medium brown color and have a stronger flavor than light roasts but a smoother flavor than dark roasts. They are not too acidic and have a good body. Most of the time, there is no oil on the beans’ surface. They are versatile and can be used in many different ways to make beer.

The Method:

You can use regular coffee beans in any way you like to make coffee. They can be used with the French Press, the Kalita Wave, the V60, the Drip Machine, the AeroPress, and other coffee makers.

By changing the grind, you can use regular coffee beans for different brewing methods and change how you make your daily cup. If you have beans with a lighter roast, Chemex or Hario V60 are the best ways to get the most flavor out of them.

As the name implies, your espresso machine is the best place for espresso beans. Most of the time, they have been tested to see if this method of cooking under high pressure makes them taste the best.

The Grind:

Even though beans meant for regular coffee will make a good espresso shot, you’re in trouble if they’re already ground for regular coffee.

Even more important than the roast is the grind, which should always match your brewing method, not just when you’re making espresso.

To make coffee in an espresso machine, you have to quickly push water through finely-ground coffee that is tightly packed. If the coffee is already ground, can it be used in an espresso machine? No. This is because when the grind is too coarse, the water moves through the coffee too quickly, leaving you with a shot that doesn’t have enough flavor.

Regular coffee is usually already ground for a drip machine, so you can’t use it to make a good espresso shot. If you want to make an espresso from regular coffee, make sure to buy whole beans and grind them at home until they are the size of sand, which is what an espresso machine needs.


Espresso coffee is strong, intense, and small. It has a thick, almost syrupy texture in your mouth. The coffee has the right amount of sweetness, acidity, and body, and its strong flavor goes well with either hot water or milk. Regular coffee, on the other hand, is made with more water and a longer extraction process. This gives it a more mellow taste and a brighter brew that can show off the coffee bean’s delicate flavor profile.

Can you Make Espresso with a Regular Coffee Maker?

Can you Make Espresso with a Regular Coffee Maker

Follow this guide for making coffee in an espresso machine with regular ground coffee:

  • Make sure your machine is preheated to the right temperature, around 90-96°C (195-205°F), and that your cup is warm.
  • Clean your portafilter and fill it with coffee beans that have been finely ground (measure the amount with a coffee scale).
  • Press down on the coffee, and then wipe away any coffee grounds that are still on the surface.
  • Clean out the ground head to get rid of any old coffee.
  • For the best espresso, let it steep for about 30 seconds.
  • If it takes less than 25 seconds to brew the coffee, you should make the grind finer. And if it takes more than 35 seconds to brew, you should grind the coffee more coarsely.


Can You Make Espresso With Regular Coffee Grounds?

Since espresso coffee beans are usually tested using an espresso brewing method, they will make the best espresso shot. You can’t be sure of a perfectly balanced shot if you use different beans, but you can definitely make espresso with regular coffee beans.

Choose high-quality Arabica beans that have been dark roasted, and don’t buy coffee that has already been ground. This will increase your chances of success and make sure your shots are all the same. 

People often use lighter roasts or beans from just one place to make espresso. If you try those, you should be ready for more unusual flavors and less consistent crema.

Bottom Line:

Even though espresso beans have usually been tested to make the most consistent espresso, you can still use regular coffee to make your morning espresso. If you like the traditional flavor of espresso, choose Arabica beans that have been darkly roasted and grind them until they are as fine as sand. 

If you want to try new things with espresso, you can try single origins or lighter roasts for more unique tastes.

And if you want to know, “How many coffee grounds are in a shot?” For the best double shot of espresso, you should weigh out 18 to 21 grams of coffee grounds.


What is the difference between a drip coffee brewer and a classic espresso maker?

The way you make espresso is different from how you make drip coffee. Regular drip coffee uses more water per tablespoon of ground coffee than delicious espresso.

What Makes A Great Espresso Shot?

Even though it only takes 30 seconds and makes about 30ml of liquid, making an espresso is a much more delicate process than you might think. A coffee scale with accurate measurements, consistent grinding, a good espresso machine that can make enough pressure, and fresh coffee beans are all needed for a good espresso shot.

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