How to Make Turkish Coffee with Milk?: (in 2023)

Turkish coffee is a rich and flavorful drink that has been enjoyed for centuries in the Middle East. And if you love your coffee with milk, then you’re in for a treat! In this blog post, we’ll show you how to make Turkish coffee with milk at home step by step.

Whether you’re a seasoned barista or just starting out, our guide will help you achieve the perfect balance of sweetness and bitterness in every cup. So grab your ingredients and let’s get started on making the best Turkish coffee with milk ever!

What is Turkish Coffee?

what is Turkish Coffee

Turkish coffee is a type of coffee that has been brewed in the Middle East for centuries. It is different from other types of coffee because it is made using finely ground beans and boiled water, without any filtration. This gives Turkish coffee its unique texture and flavor.

The preparation process involves heating the water in a special pot called an ibrik, adding sugar (optional), and then stirring in the ground coffee beans. The mixture is brought to a simmer over low heat, allowing the flavors to develop slowly.

Once the mixture has reached a uniform color and consistency, it’s poured into small cups without straining out any sediment or grounds at all – this creates what’s known as ‘unfiltered’ or ‘Turkish-style’ coffee.

Turkish coffee also has cultural significance for many people across the Middle East and Mediterranean regions. It’s seen as an integral part of hospitality traditions with guests being offered multiple servings until they finally shake their cup left-to-right indicating that they no longer want more.

Turkish coffee offers a rich taste experience that blends sweetness with bitterness but be warned: this drink packs quite a caffeine punch!

How to Make Turkish Coffee with Milk: Step by Step Guide

How to Make Turkish Coffee with Milk?

Step 1- Boil the Water

The first step in making delicious Turkish coffee with milk is to boil the water. This may seem like a simple task, but it’s important to get it right in order to achieve that perfect cup of coffee.

Start by using fresh, cold water and pouring it into a small pot or cezve (a traditional Turkish coffee pot). The amount of water you use will depend on how many servings you want to make. Generally, one serving requires about 1/3 cup of water.

Place the pot on medium heat and bring the water to a boil. Keep an eye on the pot as you don’t want it boiling over onto your stove top.

Once the water has reached boiling point, remove it from heat and let it cool for around 30 seconds before moving onto step two – adding sugar (if desired).

By following this first step closely, you’ll have hot enough water without burning your coffee beans or undercooking them so that they do not release their full flavor potential during brewing. Next up: time for some sugar!

Step 2-Add the Sugar (optional)

Turkish coffee is known for its strong and intense flavor, which can be too bitter for some people’s taste. If you like your coffee on the sweeter side, adding sugar to your Turkish coffee is an excellent option. However, keep in mind that it’s entirely optional as traditional Turkish coffee doesn’t include any added sweeteners.

Once you’ve boiled water in a cezve or small pot, add sugar according to your preference. It’s recommended to use one teaspoon of sugar per cup of water as a starting point and adjust accordingly.

While granulated white sugar works perfectly fine, you can also experiment with other types of sweeteners such as brown sugar or honey for a unique taste.

Stir the mixture well until all the sugar dissolves into the hot water before moving on to step three. Remember not to overdo it with the sweetness factor; otherwise, it will overpower the authentic flavors of Turkish coffee.

Adding milk at this stage may interfere with proper mixing and dissolve sugars completely. Therefore if planning on using milk in addition then should wait till step 5 after simmering down everything first.

Step 3-Add the Ground Coffee Beans

Now that you have boiled the water and added sugar (if desired), it’s time to add in the ground coffee beans. Turkish coffee is made with very finely ground coffee, much finer than what you would use for a drip or French press method. You can either grind your own beans or purchase pre-ground Turkish coffee.

Using a small spoon, add one heaping tablespoon of ground coffee per cup of water into the pot. Do not stir yet! The grounds will float on top of the water at first.

It’s important to note that Turkish coffee is traditionally unfiltered, so all of those fine grinds are left in your cup when you drink it. Therefore, make sure you’re using high-quality beans and grinding them as finely as possible for maximum flavor.

Once you’ve added the grounds to the water, place your pot back on low heat and let it simmer for about two minutes without stirring. This allows the flavors from the beans to fully infuse into the water before continuing with Step 4.

Adding in just enough ground coffee is key – too little will result in weak-tasting brew while adding too much may leave sediment at bottom of your cup making drinking unpleasant experience.

Therefore,it’s always best to experiment until obtaining balance between taste and texture .

Step 4-Stir and Simmer the Mixture

Step 4 of making Turkish coffee with milk involves stirring and simmering the mixture. This is a crucial step in ensuring that your coffee has the perfect consistency and flavor.

Firstly, once you have added the ground coffee beans to the boiling water (and sugar if desired), give it a good stir to make sure that all the coffee grounds are evenly distributed throughout the water. This will ensure that each cup of coffee has an equal amount of flavor.

Next, reduce the heat on your stove and let the mixture simmer for about two minutes. Keep stirring occasionally during this time to make sure that none of the ingredients stick to the bottom of your pot or pan.

As you’re stirring, take note of any changes in color or texture. Your coffee should start to darken as it simmers, giving it its distinct rich flavor. You can also smell its aroma intensifying at this point.

After two minutes have passed by, remove your pot from heat and set it aside for a few moments before moving on to Step 5 – pouring in hot milk (if desired).

Remember, patience is key when making Turkish Coffee with Milk! Take your time during each step so you can enjoy a delicious cup of traditional Turkish brew at home instead of rushing through it!

Step 5-Pour in Hot Milk (optional)

Adding milk to Turkish coffee is a personal preference. Some like it plain, while others prefer it with milk. If you are adding milk, make sure that you use hot milk and not cold.

To add the milk, first heat up the desired amount of milk on the stove or microwave until it reaches a simmering point but do not let it boil.

Once your coffee mixture has been simmered over low heat for approximately 2-3 minutes and all ingredients have blended well together – carefully pour in hot steamed whole fat or non-fat milk into your cup using a spoon to hold back the froth.

If you’re looking to impress guests when serving Turkish coffee with warm foamy liquid gold then aim for an even distribution of foam bubbles throughout all layers by using some expert barista techniques such as pouring slowly from above while tilting your cup slightly forward.

Tips for Making the Best Turkish Coffee

Different Types of Turkish Coffee

Here are some tips for making the best Turkish coffee with milk:

Firstly, use freshly roasted and grounded coffee beans. The freshness of the beans will greatly affect the taste of your coffee. Try to buy whole bean coffee and grind it yourself just before brewing.

Secondly, ensure that you use a cezve or ibrik, which is a traditional pot used for brewing Turkish coffee. This type of pot has a narrow top that prevents grounds from floating in your cup.

Thirdly, pay attention to the water temperature when boiling it on medium heat. The ideal temperature for making Turkish coffee is 70-80°C (158-176°F). Boiling at high temperatures can result in burnt flavours or overly strong brews.

Fourthly, avoid stirring your Turkish coffee mixture too much as this may cause it to spill over while cooking. Instead, stir gently once after adding ground beans and sugar (if using) then let it sit for few minutes before simmering.

Don’t add cold milk directly into hot brewed Turkish Coffee as it can curdle due to differing temperatures. Always heat up the milk first by simmering on low-medium heat separately before pouring into brewed Coffee.

By following these simple steps you’ll be able to make delicious cups of authentic creamy-tasting Turkish Coffee every time!


Turkish coffee with milk is a delicious and unique twist on traditional Turkish coffee. With its rich flavor and creamy texture, it’s the perfect way to enjoy a cup of coffee any time of day.

Whether you’re an experienced barista or a beginner, this step-by-step guide will help you make the perfect cup every time. By following these simple tips and tricks, you’ll be able to create a delicious brew that’s sure to impress your friends and family.

So go ahead, grab your ingredients and start brewing! We hope this guide has been helpful in teaching you how to make Turkish coffee with milk. Enjoy!


Can I use instant coffee to make Turkish coffee with milk?

While it is possible to use instant coffee, the traditional method involves using finely ground Turkish coffee beans for the best results. Instant coffee may not provide the same depth of flavor and aroma.

Can I substitute dairy milk with a non-dairy alternative?

Absolutely! If you prefer a non-dairy option, you can use alternatives like almond milk, oat milk, or coconut milk. Experiment with different options to find your favorite combination.

Should I add sugar to my Turkish coffee with milk?

The addition of sugar is a matter of personal preference. Turkish coffee is traditionally served unsweetened, but you can add sugar according to your taste. Experiment with different levels of sweetness to find what suits you best.

Can I reuse the coffee grounds for a second cup?

Turkish coffee grounds are typically not reused for a second cup. Since the coffee is brewed without filtering, the grounds settle at the bottom of the cup. It’s best to enjoy one cup at a time to fully savor the flavors.

How do I properly clean a Turkish coffee pot (cezve)?

After brewing Turkish coffee, let the cezve cool down, then rinse it with warm water. Avoid using soap as it can affect the taste of future brews. Gently scrub the cezve with a soft brush to remove any residue.

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