How To Make Coffee With Whole Beans: (3 Ways)

Having your first cup of coffee in the morning can be a moment of relaxation and peace. Having that first cup is even better when you know exactly How To Make Coffee With Whole Beans. Making your own coffee with whole beans is not only cost-effective, it’s something that’s much easier than you might think. Make your own coffee with whole beans and you will save money while also enjoying a more flavorful brew.

There are many different types of coffee, but when you buy them as whole beans, they require very little prep work before being ready for brewing or another method of consumption. Let’s take a look at How To Make Coffee With Whole Beans!

What Are Coffee Beans?

What Are Coffee Beans

Coffee beans are the seeds of the coffee plant and what we actually drink is the coffee “fruit” (similar to a grape or cherry). Coffee beans can be roasted, and they are then used to make coffee. There are many different types of beans, ranging in flavor and strength.

There are also many different methods of making coffee beans. If you’re looking to make coffee with whole beans, you have a few options. The most common are listed below. – Air-roasted coffee beans – These beans are roasted in an industrial roaster without the use of external heat. This process allows the coffee to retain its natural oils and flavors. – Flavored coffee beans – These are coffee beans that are flavored before roasting.

This process, called “blending,” is often done by mixing coffee beans with other ingredients to create specific flavors. – Drip coffee beans – This is the most common way to make coffee with beans. The beans are roasted and then ground, often times before roasting. Drip coffee beans are best when paired with a drip coffee maker.

Can you make coffee with whole beans?

Yes, you can make great coffee with whole beans without grinding. Whole unground coffee beans take longer to brew but the coffee has less bitterness and acidity than regular coffee. You also use more whole beans than when brewing with ground coffee.

How To Make Coffee With Whole Beans: (3 Ways)

How To Make Coffee With Whole Beans

There are 3 Ways to Make Coffee With Whole Beans

  1. Using the Double-Boiler Method
  2. By Steeping
  3. Gentle Simmer

1. How To Make Coffee With Whole Beans Using the Double-Boiler Method

What you need:

  • A large saucepan
  • A stove
  • A heat-safe container such as a mug or a mason jar
  • Whole coffee beans
  • Water
  • A strainer
  • A spoon


  1. Heat up 1 cup of filtered or bottled water in a saucepan to near boiling
  2. Add whole coffee beans to about a third of the mason jar or heat-safe mug
  3. Add the hot water to the coffee beans in the jar/mug
  4. Add fresh water into the saucepan below the halfway line and heat it up
  5. Place the mason jar in the saucepan to make a double-boiler
  6. Turn the heat to medium and let the coffee beans steep in the hot water for 45-60 minutes as the water in the saucepan continues to boil. Stir the coffee from time to time
  7. Turn the stove off and remove the mason jar from the pot using a cloth or a pair of tongs
  8. Strain the coffee enjoy it

2. How To Make Coffee With Whole Beans By Steeping

What you need: an insulated container (travel mug) with a lid, coffee beans, boiling water


  1. Measure coffee beans to about a third of the insulated container
  2. Add the boiling water to about two-thirds of the insulated container
  3. Let the water sit for about 30 seconds for the temperature to drop slightly
  4. Add the coffee beans, cover the container with the lid and shake it for the coffee beans to soak in the water
  5. Rest the container for about one hour and shake it from time to time
  6. Strain the coffee to an empty cup and enjoy your coffee

3. How my Grandma Made Coffee With Whole Beans In a Gentle Simmer

My grandma had a traditional earthen pot that she used only for brewing coffee. Amazingly, she never used a measuring tool for the coffee beans. A palmful of whole beans was enough to brew a cup of coffee.

Granny would start by adding one and a half cup of water to the earthen pot and heating it up. Then, she would add a palmful of unground coffee beans and remove the wood from the fire to extinguish the flames, and leave only the red-hot charcoal to slow down the simmer.

The coffee would continue heating and brewing for about 30 minutes after which she would remove the pot from the fire and use a cork straw to strain the coffee.

Should You Make Coffee With Whole Coffee Beans?

Brewing coffee with whole beans not only makes a great cup of coffee but is also an excellent hack when you don’t have the access to a coffee grinder or a coffee maker. The scenarios where you can brew coffee with whole beans without grinding include

  • when you forget to pack a grinder for your camping trip
  • If you accidentally purchase whole coffee beans or receive unground beans as a gift, simply brew them whole rather than grinding them with an inefficient grinder that yields inconsistent grounds.
  • Those who are travelling and find themselves in cities where only whole coffee beans are available need not agonize about buying a grinder for the temporary visit.
  • Using unground coffee beans to make coffee can be a fun way to experiment with different coffee brewing methods. Some people actually prefer this method to using ground coffee.

Why Should You Use Whole Beans?

You get the freshest flavor. Fresh coffee beans are the most delicious and flavorful beans you can get. Coffee beans that are ground and packed into cans lose their flavor and aroma quickly, making them taste old and stale.

You can control the brew strength. Since you are grinding the coffee beans yourself, you can decide how fine you want the grind to be. This lets you control the brew strength and how much caffeine you want in your coffee.

There’s no waste. When you use ground coffee, there is almost always some coffee that remains in the grinder and cannot be used to brew a fresh cup. With whole beans, you can simply use a coffee scoop to measure out however much coffee you want. There’s no waste!


Making coffee with whole beans is a great way to control the brew strength and taste of your coffee. Using fresh, whole beans also allows you to save money by not having to buy pre-ground coffee. These coffee beans can be enjoyed in many different ways, either as iced coffee, brewed coffee, or even as a cold brew. With the advice in this article, you’ll be able to make coffee with whole beans like a pro.

I hope you will Learn That How To Make Coffee With Whole Beans

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you use whole beans to make coffee?

Yes, You can use whole beans to make coffee.

Can you boil whole coffee beans to make coffee?

Yes, you can boil whole coffee beans to make coffee

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